Mother Nature is Smiling

                Oh moan! Oh groan! Struggling economies. Corrupt politics. Crime. Misery. Every time you open the newspaper, you find out about another species in decline and another nasty person or corporation either causing it or benefiting from it. Dire predictions come out of every corner. One could really pick up a gruesome case of the blues just by glancing at the headlines.

                Is there any hope for us? Any at all?

                Why yes, it turns out there is. It’s a very special and unique hope with a very unique name, as a matter of fact. Now, what is it called again? Think…..Think….

                Oh, right. TREMENDOUS! That’s what it’s called! Tremendous hope! And it’s all over the world and even in your back yard.

                I’ve recently been to one a wonderful website known as “The Good News Network”, and I was so excited to see some of the most amazing and exciting things happening out there these days! Things that provide a cool, refreshing tidal wave of hope for a better future. Now why don’t stories like these appear on more web sites?

                Care for a gander? Here are a few.

·       We hear a lot about falling oil prices. You’d begin to think oil was the center of the universe. Well, we can all stop thinking that, now. It turns out that while oil has been floundering, natural energy sources, such as solar power, have reached an all-time record high. In 2015, they raked in a record $329 billion dollars in investments. Gives you an idea of where the world’s focus is turning.
·        And speaking of renewable resources, how about this? In West Virginia, they’re building a plant that will convert trash into fuel! Imagine! We could reduce the landfill problems and produce a fuel that doesn’t involve digging great holes in the earth at the same time! Two birds! One stone! Who could ask for anything more?

·         You love elephants, don’t you? Those big, amazing creatures with the big, flappy ears and the gentle, kindly eyes. And you hate hearing about how they’re being driven off the Earth by ivory hunters, right? Well apparently, so are the ivory hunters. The price of ivory in China has dropped by 50% as the market for the illegal material dries up. Somewhere, the elephants are dancing.

·        About 50 years ago, the famous River Thames of London, England was declared so polluted and dirty that nothing could possibly live in it. It was an empty stream of yuck. But that was 50 years ago. The good people of England have been taking care of their river, and it has become clean enough for fish to settle in. Now, in recent months, there have been dozens of sightings of whales and dolphins in the river, too! The Thames is buzzing with life once again!

·        We’ve all heard about the deep and beautiful Rainforests of South America. They kind of make us shudder a bit, though, because every time we hear about them, we also hear about the horrifying rates at which they’re being ruthlessly destroyed. Well, shudder no more. It seems that, in the last ten years, deforestation in Brazil has dropped by – get this! – 90%! Did you hear that? We’re destroying 90% less forest!
So, send the mopes packing and smile a big smile. Mother Nature’s been down, but there are amazing people out there doing incredible things for her. And she’s feeling a bit better. If we keep up like this, we could be in for a nice, green future after all.

Kind of makes you want to go out and breath in some outdoors, doesn’t it? And is it me, or does that air feel a little bit fresher?
File:Lowland rainforest, Masoala National Park, Madagascar.jpg
Photo by Frank Vassen


