
Wow! This is quite a story! I can't believe some people can be so unkind, especially to an innocent animal.

But it reminds me of a story told to me by a relative.

Like a lot of folks, I'm somewhat entranced and awed by the sight of the powerful hawk soaring overhead. Mostly I see the from the car window, but they have occasionally flown so close that I could actually see the intricate feather pattern beneath the wings, only visible when they're spread. Once I saw a live hawk up close at an aviary in the zoo. He was sitting in some greenery looking calm and watching the people go by. I'd never seen one quite so close and thought they are very beautiful and dignified birds.

But that was nothing compared to what my relative saw. He was in the middle of the city, in one of the busiest parts of downtown, waiting for the bus. Crowds of people rushed up and down the grungy sidewalks and cars and trucks roared by leaving behind stinky clouds of choking exhaust. You know, the usual.

Suddenly - PLOP! - a hawk dropped at his feet on the sidewalk. He couldn't tell where it came from or why it was there, but it was clearly injured. As it dragged itself slowy around the cement, my relative rushed into the nearest building to ask for help from security, and before long, the wildlife specialists were there to rescue the injured creature. My relative had to leave before he saw the whole thing wrapped up, but there was a small article in the newspaper the next day, which I now can't find. No mention of my relative in the story, but that doesn't matter. The important thing is, that bird got saved.

So, keep your eyes open. You just never can tell where Mother Nature will pop up.
