Easter's Delight: The Egg

With Easter upon us, all of our attention is drawn inexorably toward one of Mother Nature’s most perfect creations, the egg. Be they chocolate, hard-boiled, candy or cardboard cut-out, they’re everywhere. Now here are a few facts about the real thing for you to think about while tossing back those delectable goodies.
- The only two known species of egg-laying mammal are the Spiny Anteater and the Duck-Billed Platypus.
- Among the oldest known eggs are some 90 million year old South African fossils, with dinosaur embryos still inside!
- You can use eggs to make a 30 minute facial treatment using honey and lemon. Lovely.
- You can also substitute egg for white glue when working with paper or light cardboard.
- The Kiwi lays an egg that is 25% of the mother’s total body mass. That’s the largest know egg in proportion to the grown bird’s body.
- The largest known egg ever was laid by the extinct Elephant Bird, a 10 ft and 1100 lb beast. The egg was 3 feet in circumference and contained 9 litres of liquid, or the equivalent of 200 regular chicken eggs! Imagine! You could make scrambled eggs for 100 people using just one egg!
